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Clutch Masters Flywheel Surface Lock For BMW Manual Transmissions


What the heck is a Diamond Claw Surface Lock you might be asking? Well as the age old story goes, wherever there's a problem there's a solution. Sometimes it takes a leap in technological advancement to solve those problems. One issue a lot of high powered cars can run into is the possibility of the flywheel coming loose. Flywheels can come loose for a variety of reasons, but once this happens you can pretty much kiss your crank goodbye. Typically if the flywheel comes loose it will end up welding itself to the crankshaft and typically damages the crank beyond repair. This can end up being an incredibly costly problem.

We've teamed up with the folks at Diamond Claw to offer their technology to all of our customers who want that extra level of protection. Surface locks have successfully eliminated fretting (surface welding) in every application customers have placed them in. With an installed thickness of .010"-.012" a Diamond Claw will not significantly alter assembly spacing.

Diamond Claw locks consist of precisely sized CBN (diamond) particles that are plated onto proprietary fatigue resistant steel. The uniformity of both diamond particle spacing and overall thickness insure complete contact across the entire Diamond Claw surface. Diamonds with an exceptional hardness of 10,000 vickers are held within a plated matrix of 950 vickers. This combination of extreme hardness and toughness allow a Diamond Claw to penetrate surfaces hardened to 65Hrc.

To sum that up, by installing a Diamond Claw you give yourself a much better chance of the flywheel not coming loose in the first place, and if for some reason it does, you'll have an extra layer of very hard steel that can prevent the flywheel from damaging your crankshaft. 

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